Šroub s válcovou hlavou s vnitřním šestihranem a závitem / matice s T-drážkou

Šroub s válcovou hlavou s vnitřním šestihranem a závitem / matice s T-drážkou

Vybraná varianta
Upevňovací sada 5 4–6 mm se šroubem s válcovou hlavou a vnitřním šestihranem M5 (0.0.680.89)
Upevňovací sada 5 4–6 mm se šroubem s válcovou hlavou a vnitřním šestihranem M5
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Technické údaje

item products are based on different modular dimensions and their associated system grooves.Profiles from Lines 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 each need corresponding sizes of fasteners.The profiles in Line X feature a Line 8 system groove but have a particularly flat surface withminimum curve radii that make them ideal for building sealed constructions.
Components with this symbol meet the requirements of IEC 61340-5-1 and are therefore suitable for use in EPAs (electrostatic protected areas). By complying with the further stipulations of this standard you can use these products to create a safe environment for handling electronic components.
All substances are registered according to the REACH regulation.REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) ensures that usershave accurate information on the type and properties of operating materials, lubricants, etc.that they might come into contact with.
Components that are RoHS-compliant contain no dangerous substances such as lead or cadmium.EC Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS 1) restricts the use of certain substances in electronic devices and components.These include batteries, etc.

Rozsah dodávky

Šroub s vnitřním šestihranem DIN 912-M5x10, ocel, lesklé pozinkování
Matice pro T-drážku 5 ocel M5, ocel, lesklé pozinkování


Číslo zboží 0.0.680.89
Line Line 5
Bezpečné z hlediska ESD Bezpečné z hlediska ESD = Ano
Hmotnost m = 5 g
Dodací jednotka 1 sada


Upevňovací sada umožňuje spojování prvků (např. plechů nebo deskových prvků) v zadané tloušťce materiálu. Sada se skládá z drážkové matice a odpovídajícího šroubu.


Řadit podle

Line:  5 Groove type:  5 mm Thread:  M5 Panel thickness range:  4-6 mm Distance:  1.8
Line:  6 Groove type:  6 mm Thread:  M6 Panel thickness range:  3-5 mm Distance:  3
Line:  8 Groove type:  8 mm Thread:  M8 Panel thickness range:  4-6 mm Distance:  4.5
Line:  8 Groove type:  8 mm Thread:  M8 Panel thickness range:  6-8 mm Distance:  4.5
Line:  8 Groove type:  8 mm Thread:  M6 Panel thickness range:  0 mm Distance:  4.5
Line:  8 Groove type:  8 mm Thread:  M6 Panel thickness range:  0 mm Distance:  4.5

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